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NRS International ready to provide relief supplies to clients responding to Cyclone Idai aftermath

Emergency shelter, tarpaulins, water containers available for immediate deployment

21 Mar 2019

Between 14-16 March, a catastrophic cyclone hit Mozambique, killing over 200 people across southern Africa and leaving at least 400,000 homeless. Cyclone Idai has been labelled the ‘worst humanitarian emergency in Mozambique’s recent history’ by the responding aid agencies.

As the death toll and displacement record continue to rise, so does the need for an immediate and urgent response. At NRS International, we are activating our holistic ‘Rapid Response Strategy’ approach so that international organizations and local authorities get the required emergency relief supplies as quickly as possible. Our global network and multilingual staff are working tirelessly to respond to various stock and quotation requests from our customers who are responding to the crisis in Mozambique.

As a trusted supplier of high-quality and cost-effective family tents, tarpaulins, sleeping mats, water containers, multipurpose tents and mobile storage units, we aim to enable humanitarian organizations to efficiently receive and distribute vital aid to the affected communities. We believe it is our responsibility to share the message that quality means appropriate assistance and effective response.

If you wish to receive our stock report detailing the shelter and non-food items that are ready for immediate deployment, please contact As the goods will be mobilized, we will make sure to replenish our emergency warehouses and promptly accommodate the requirements of our customers worldwide.

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